Granular Configuration Files

This page explains the structure and properties of the granular configuration files used in configuring the behavior of the indicator extraction feature of maec-to-stix. For the default values used in each granular configuration file, please refer to the Granular Configuration File Defaults page.


The system activity and granular configuration files capture two distinct entities:

  1. The supported types of MAEC Actions, based on the vocabulary from which they originate.
  2. The supported types of CybOX Objects, along with their individual properties.

Thus, the general structure of the system activity and granular configuration files is as follows:

  "supported actions": {"<action vocabulary>":{"<vocabulary entry>":"<boolean>"}},
  "supported objects" : {"<object type>" : {"<object property>" : {"enabled":"<boolean>",

We’ll discuss the parameters relevant to each type of entity in the next sections.

Action Configuration Parameters

All entries from each respective MAEC Action vocabulary are included inside of the “supported actions” section of the configuration file for the sake of completeness and ease-of-use. As such, not all are supported by default, but can be configured by use of a value of true (indicating that it is supported for use in indicator extraction) or false (indicating that it is not supported for use in indicator extraction). Thus, the syntax for Action vocabulary entry configuration entries is simply:

{"<vocabulary entry>" : true | false}


As an example, the following Action configuration JSON blob for the DNSActionNameEnum would indicate that maec-to-stix would attempt to extract Indicators resulting from send dns query Actions. Conversely, it would NOT attempt to extract indicators resulting from send reverse dns lookup Actions.

                "send dns query":true,
                "send reverse dns lookup":false

Object Configuration Parameters

As compared to Actions, the act of configuring CybOX Objects in the context of indicator extraction is inherently more complex due to the fact that it’s necessary to configure the particular properties supported on each Object. Otherwise, there’s no guarantee that a CybOX Object that ends up in a STIX Indicator will contain fields that are useful in this context (especially with regards to detection).

Besides this, it can be necessary to have finer-grained control over the properties of an Object with respect to its usage in an indicator, including the ability to specify whether a particular property MUST occur on an Object, or whether it is optional. There may also be a need to whitelist on certain known property values, so that they do not inadvertently get used in an indicator. For instance, certain file names or registry keys may correspond to common values that would result in false positives.

The general syntax for Object property configuration settings is:

{"<object type>":
     {"<object property name>" : {"enabled": true | false,
                                  "required": true | false}}

Where <object type> refers to the root type of a CybOX Object (e.g. FileObjectType) and “<object property name>” refers to the name of a property (field) of the CybOX Object (e.g. File_Path).


The following parameters may be specified for each Object property.

Name Type Default Example
enabled Boolean false n/a
required Boolean false n/a
mutually_exclusive Boolean n/a n/a
whitelist List n/a [“^10\.([0-9]\.?)+$”]


  • enabled: whether or not the property should be extracted and used in the STIX Indicator. A value of true indicates that the property should be extracted, while a value of false indicates that it should not be. Thus, all other parameters are valid only in conjunction with this parameter being set to true. Note that unless a CybOX Object has at least one property marked as enabled, it will simply be ignored and will not be used in any STIX Indicators.
  • required: whether the property MUST be found on the Object in order for the Object to be included in the STIX Indicator. Only valid if enabled is set to true. A value of true indicates that the property MUST be found on the Object, whereas a value of false indicates that the property is optional and therefore will be included if found on the Object. Note that if multiple values are marked as required, ALL must be found on the Object in order for it to be used in the STIX Indicator.
  • mutually_exclusive (optional): whether the property is mutually exclusive with respect to other properties marked as such. This is intended to be used in cases where certain required properties are mutually exclusive with each other on an Object; thus, declaring such properties entails that an Object will used in the STIX Indicator only if one of these properties is found. Only valid if enabled is set to true AND required is set to true. A value of true indicates that the property is mutually exclusive with regards to other properties marked as such, and therefore only one of these properties must be found on the Object in order for it to be used in the STIX Indicator. A value of false indicates that the property functions as any other non-mutually exclusive required property.
  • whitelist (optional): a list of Python-compatible regular expressions that signify patterns of values on the property that should be ignored and thus excluded from use in the STIX Indicator. Accordingly, this means that if an Object has a property marked as required and the value of this property matches against one or more of these regular expressions, the Object will be completely excluded from the STIX Indicator output.


As an example, the following JSON blob demonstrates that either the Hostname/Hostname_Value property or the IP_Address/Address_Value property MUST be found on an instance of the Socket Address Object (SocketAddressObjectType), due to the fact that both of their required and mutually_exclusive parameters are set to true. Also, the Port/Port_Value property will be included if found on an instance of the Object, but it is not required, due to the fact that its enabled parameter is set to true but its required parameter is set to false.

{"SocketAddressObjectType": {"hostname": {"hostname_value":{"enabled":true,
                             "ip_address": {"address_value":{"enabled":true,
                             "port": {"layer4_protocol":{"enabled":false,