Indicator Extraction Configuration Files

This page describes the location and usage of the indicator extraction configuration files. For details on the structures of the files and their parameters please refer to the Main Configuration File or Granular Configuration Files pages.


There are multiple configuration files - a main configuration file, one each for the different types of system activity included by default, and one granular configuration file that contains the full list of MAEC Actions and CybOX Objects:

File Description Reference
extractor_config.json The main configuration file. Main Configuration File
driver_activity_config.json System activity configuration file. Granular Configuration Files
file_system_activity_config.json System activity configuration file. Granular Configuration Files
mutex_activity_config.json System activity configuration file. Granular Configuration Files
network_activity_config.json System activity configuration file. Granular Configuration Files
process_activity_config.json System activity configuration file. Granular Configuration Files
registry_activity_config.json System activity configuration file. Granular Configuration Files
service_activity_config.json System activity configuration file. Granular Configuration Files
granular_config.json Full granular configuration file. Granular Configuration Files

Main Configuration File

The main configuration file is the driver of indicator extraction behavior and is the first file parsed by the utility for this purpose. As such, it is either automatically parsed by the utility from the maec-to-stix installation directory, or passed in by the user. More information on this can be found in the section below.

System Activity Configuration Files

Each of the system activity configuration files contains only the set of MAEC Actions and CybOX Objects that are relevant in the context of the particular type of system activity that it refers to. Note that not all of these Actions and CybOX Objects and their properties are enabled in each activity-level configuration file by default; please click on the file name above or refer to Granular Configuration File Defaults for the list of default Actions and CybOX Objects in each. Thus, each of these files may be edited for more granular control of a particular system activity for which to extract indicators for.

Full Granular Configuration File

If one wishes to have even more control, there is a single “full” granular configuration file that represents the FULL list of possible MAEC Actions and CybOX Objects that may be configured for use in indicator extraction. This file is only used by the utility if the use_granular_options parameter in the Main Configuration File is set to true. Note that usage of this file is mutually exclusive with usage of the system-level activity configuration files.

Installation and Usage

By default, the configuration files are installed in the maec-to-stix installation directory in python/lib/site-packages. However, instead of editing them in place there, we recommend copying them over to another directory and making any changes as needed to these copies. To that end, we’ve provided a script,, that will copy all of the configuration files to a user-specified directory. For more information on this script, please refer to

Accordingly, in order to use any user-edited files, the utility needs to be told where to find them. Luckily, this is a very simple process, for both the script, as well as the API. includes a –config_directory (or -c) command-line parameter for specifying the directory where the configuration files are located.


As an example, let’s assume that we’ve edited the main configuration file and some of the granular configuration files and placed them in /usr/tmp. The following command-line would force to use these modified configuration files:

$ --config_directory /usr/tmp maec_doc.xml --outfile stix_doc.xml


The maec-to-stix API supports passing in the path to the directory where the configuration files are stored through the config_directory parameter in maec_to_stix.extract_indicators().


As an example, let’s assume that we’ve edited the main configuration file and some of the granular configuration files and placed them in /usr/tmp. The following maec-to-stix API usage demonstrates how these modified configuration files would be passed in:

import maec_to_stix

# Extract STIX Indicators from the 'sample_maec_package.xml' MAEC document
# Pass in the modified configuration file
stix_package = maec_to_stix.extract_indicators('sample_maec_package.xml', config_directory="/usr/tmp")